Archive for January, 2020

Dues Increase & Special Assessments

The HOA Board voted to increase annual dues to $200/lot owned, effective January 1, 2020, at the last public meeting held in November 2019. This represents the first increase in dues since the incorporation of Spring Hill in 2005. Operating costs, primarily driven by landscaping of the common areas, maintaining the retention pond and street light maintenance were the main drivers in this decision.

As a means to further reduce costs, the HOA Board also solicited quotes/proposals for landscaping services – deciding to NOT renew our contract with Brothers Grimm Landscaping for the 2020 season and move on to another provider. Any resident who was using Brothers Grimm for mowing, or other landscaping services, will no longer be eligible for the 10% HOA discount.

A financial summary from 2017-2019, including proposed Q1 2020 expenses is located here.

The HOA’s Projected 2020 Operating Budget is located here.

In addition to the dues increase, the HOA Board also voted to move forward with two capital projects in 2020 – upgrading of all street lights and replacement of all mailboxes. As a means to offset a portion of the costs associated with these two projects, two one-time special assessments will be added to each lot owner’s 2020 Dues Invoice totaling $230.00. This, combined with the annual dues increase, will total $460/lot owned and will be due across two equal payments by March 31 and May 31 respectively.

All street lights throughout Spring Hill will be upgraded to an LED lamp with a new clear glass shade and photo-eye. The combination of these three upgrades will ensure all street lights have a consistent brightness, appearance and on/off time. In addition, the move to LED lamps will lower the overall cost to operate the lights, which is paid for by the City of Green and reclaimed from all residents via an assessment on property taxes. If interested, all street lights on Larabee Circle have already been upgraded to the new setup.

All mailboxes throughout Spring Hill will be replaced with an all vinyl, maintenance free model which includes the post and box. Per restrictions, we will be keeping the same all white look that is in place today. In addition to the new posts and boxes, all dual mailboxes will be split and moved closer to residents’ driveways per USPS guidelines for distance and height. The cost to replace all mailboxes includes the new post/box, installation with concrete base and removal/disposal of the old posts and boxes. Note: If you chose to put any landscaping around your mailbox, this will NOT be replaced by the contractor completing the project. All residents will be responsible for any additional work and costs associated with replacing or removing landscaping in these areas.

Public Meeting – Tuesday, November 12, 2019 @ 7:00pm

The HOA Board will be having its second public meeting of the year on November 12, 2019 at 7:00pm. The meeting will be held at the John Torok Community Center on Massillon Road (See Below). All residents are encouraged to attend. The HOA Board will be providing a financial update and a review of old/new business…including dues/assessments increases and two planned capital projects for 2020.


Pay Your HOA Dues Online

Zelle payments accepted!

Useful Links
