Reminder – HOA Public Meeting & Amendment Voting

As previously communicated, the HOA Board will be conducting the first of two planned public meetings for 2017 on Thursday, July 13th at the John Torok Senior Center – the meeting will begin at 7:00pm. In addition to a financial report out, review of old/new business and a resident forum, the HOA Board will also be providing an update on the two proposed restriction amendments that were distributed to all residents in June.

If you haven’t done so already, please either 1) bring your completed ballot to the meeting on July 13th (the one that says To Be Used At Meeting Only on the top) or 2) mail your completed proxy ballot back to the HOA Board using the provided self-addressed stamped envelope that was included in the resident packet.


Proxy Ballots Can Be Mailed To The HOA Board At The Address Below

Spring Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc.
3465 S. Arlington Rd.
Suite E, #120
Akron, Ohio  44312

Proposed Restriction Amendments & Public Meeting

As part of our continuing efforts to properly administer the Spring Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. and improve its operations as well as reasonably protect the community, we have decided to introduce two amendments to our documents.

AMENDMENT A: This amendment, if passed, would limit additional rental homes throughout Spring Hill (all phases), so that a cap is placed on the number of rental homes.  We propose this amendment for a few reasons.

First, we believe that an amendment that requires future purchasers to be residents of the property is a good concept.  Rather than a potential “apartment complex” atmosphere, we can maintain a community of all resident-owners.  Problems with conduct normally associated with some tenants would be avoided.  

Second, eliminating the rental of homes will strengthen the ability of future buyers of homes in Spring Hill to obtain financing since lending institutions are wary of associations with a significant number of rental homes.  Re-financing of mortgages on homes is also easier when there are more owner-occupants within the community.

Third, the proposed restriction has some flexibility and contains a few built-in exceptions to make it reasonable for everyone. These exceptions are: 1) The leasing restriction would not apply to current owners who are renting their homes. CURRENT RENTAL HOMES ARE GRANDFATHERED FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN THE HOME2) If you own a home but only your child(ren) or parent(s) lives in the home, that living arrangement is excluded from the rental restriction.  3. The amendment contains an automatic, one-time right for all owners to lease their home for up to 24 months.  If an owner is behind in their maintenance fees and needs to rent the home to pay the fees, the amendment calls for the rent to be paid directly to the Association until the account is paid in full.

AMENDMENT B: The Declaration is not clear on who, the Association or the Owner, is to maintain and replace the trees on the “devil strip” or “tree lawn.”

As you know, past and present practice throughout Spring Hill (all phases) has always been that the Owner maintain and replace their own landscaping, including trees, on the entire lot.

Having the Owner responsible for tree maintenance and replacement is sensible as the owner is in the best position to know when such work is needed.  This also helps maintain the value of the Owner’s home and enables the Association to keep maintenance fees at a reasonable level.  If the Association were to be responsible for the maintenance and replacement of trees on the “devil strip” or “tree lawn,” the Association would obviously have to significantly increase fees to cover this additional responsibility.

If adopted, this amendment would require that trees in the “devil strip” or “tree lawn” are replaced with a Celebration Maple to ensure consistency with the rest of Spring Hill and that each tree purchased and replaced by the Owner must have a trunk diameter of at least 1-3/4” (inches).

At this time, we ask that the owner of each lot sign, date, and return the enclosed limited proxy ballot to the Board in the self-addressed envelope enclosed for your convenience.  Please note that the limited proxy ballot must be signed and returned whether you are in favor of or against the amendments.  As you may be aware, our governing documents require 66% approval of the voting power of the Association to pass each amendment.  Again, we urge you to consent to these amendments.

To complete this process in a timely manner, we ask that you return your consent ballot at your earliest convenience.


Formal voting procedures for the above proposed amendments will take place at our summer meeting to be held on Thursday, July 13 @ 7:00pm at the John Torok Senior Center (see below). All residents are encouraged to attend in order to participate in the discussion of the proposed amendments, as well as voting. In addition, the HOA Board will also be reviewing various updates and taking questions and ideas for future topics.

Garage/Yard Sale Date – May 12-13, 2017



For those that are interested in participating, the annual neighborhood Garage/Yard Sale will be May 12-13 from 9:00am-4:00pm this year (next weekend). As in years past, we will be joining Meadow Wood and several other area neighborhoods to all have our sales over the same weekend.

Thank you to the residents that were able find the dates for this year’s sale…

Street Light Work

The following street lights are in the queue to be fixed –

  • 3861 Kenway Blvd – Pole 5
  • 3728 Kenway Blvd – Pole 28
  • 3760 Kenway Blvd – Pole 24
  • 947 Montford Circle – Pole 27
  • 3931 Larabee Circle – Pole 19
  • 1296 Springbury Dr
  • 950 Brigantine Ave
  • 980 Brigantine Ave

Our electrical contractor has been made aware of the lights needing to be repaired. Ohio Edison will be contacted based on the type of repair needed and scope of work. If there are any additional lights needing repairs that are not on the list above, please send them to the HOA Board using the Contact link at the top of the page.

2017 Assessment Dues & Spring Updates

Assessment dues for 2017 will be mailed to all residents this week. At a recent HOA Board meeting, the decision was made to maintain the assessment at $150/lot (all phases). Please review the letter included in the mailing, and remit payment to the address on the invoice no later than April 30, 2017. Dues not received by April 30 will be subject to a late fee as described in the mailing.

The previously announced proposed restriction amendments to prohibit rentals of properties throughout Spring Hill and provide clarification of resident responsibility for all trees in the “tree lawn” or “devil’s strip” have been drafted and reviewed by both the law firm representing the HOA as well as DeHoff Development. Final drafts for all phases will be distributed to residents in a separate mailing later this spring with voting planned for our public meeting in July – date and location TBA.

The long-awaited No Soliciting sign should be installed at the entrance to the development at some point this week. Our original plan to install the sign has to be re-visited after receiving feedback on the location from the City of Green.

As the weather gets warmer and more residents are out and about around Spring Hill, please remember to keep all dogs leashed while walking and clean up as needed.


Pay Your HOA Dues Online

Zelle payments accepted!

Useful Links
