Landscaping Enforcement Assessments

There are still several residents that have not completed the required landscaping to their property following construction. Per section 7.3 of the restrictions (all phases): “Landscaping shall be complete no later than one hundred eighty (180) days after completion of construction.” This restriction includes the full installation (front & back) of a lawn, as well as installation of planting beds around each house.

In addition to the lawn and landscaping, Section 7.1 (m) of the restrictions specifically states, “A minimum of two (2) trees, at least 1/2″ trunk diameter, per Lot, are required on non-wooded Lots, in addition to trees provided by Developer along streets. Proposed trees and locations must be shown on the site plan and must be in compliance with all City rules and regulations.”

Letters will be distributed to all residents that have not complied with the above restrictions. Upon receiving the letter, residents will have thirty (30) days to provide written notice to the Board with an expected timeline to have the work completed. If no response is received within thirty (30) days, an Enforcement Assessment in the amount of $75.00 will be levied against the property. The Enforcement Assessment will continue in the amount of $75.00 each month until the required work is completed and in compliance with the restrictions stated above.

All residents are encouraged to assist in enforcing these restrictions as a means to maintain appearance and value throughout Spring Hill. If you’re aware of a property that has not complied with these restrictions, please submit their address to the Board using the Contact HOA Board link above.

Spring Hill is a heavily restricted allotment. In order to avoid Enforcement Assessments, the complete set of restrictions for all phases can be accessed in the Documents section for your reference.

Garage/Yard Sale Date – May 20-21, 2016


The HOA Board was made aware that Meadow Wood will be having their annual garage/yard sale on May 20-21 this year. Due to the increased marketing and traffic by using the same date, we have decided to reschedule our date to coincide with Meadow Wood.

We apologize for the reschedule, and hope all residents that participate will see the additional value in having the two sales on the same weekend.

Landscaping Discounts Available to Residents

Brothers Grimm Logo   Brothers Grimm Landscape & Design Co. will be handling all mowing and upkeep of our common areas again this season. As a condition of our contract, they will be offering discounts to any residents that contact them regarding weekly mowing, mulch or any other landscape service they offer. Brothers Grimm maintains several yards for our residents with mowing and mulching, and has also completed new lawn installs, patio designs/installation, etc. for others in Spring Hill and the surrounding area.

Anyone interested in hearing more about their services and pricing can call (330) 882-4639 or email at

2016 Quarter 1 Update

Wildlife In & Around Spring Hill –

We have recently had several residents voice concerns about other residents feeding wildlife. There have also been a number of reports of coyotes roaming the area, and in one instance, had the coyotes attack a resident’s dog. There have also been concerns about geese damaging residents’ lawns. Please keep your neighbors’ safety and property in mind before setting out food or feeding wild animals.

Street Parking & Speed Enforcement –

Please try to refrain from parking on the streets if possible. This is especially dangerous around some of the curves in the development. In addition, please watch your speed as you drive through the development. We have a large number of children and pets who may roam into the streets. Most of the reports have been coming from Kenway Blvd. regarding an Audi driving at well above the posted speed limit on a continual basis. The Summit County Sheriff has been notified and was provided a description of the car in the reports. Let’s keep the neighborhood safe for everyone.

Street Light Outages & Repair –

As a reminder, the HOA Board has contracted with a local electrician to replace any street lights that are burned out or damaged. If you see one that is in need of repair or replacement, please email the HOA with a description of the problem and the exact location of the light. The more information provided, the easier it is to locate the light in need of repair.

Annual Dues/Assessments –

The HOA Board of Directors has determined that the annual assessment will remain at $150 for each lot within Spring Hill for 2016. As a resident, your real property is subject to the declaration. All lot owners are obligated to pay this yearly assessment. The due date is April 30, 2016. Please note that, according to HOA guidelines, any payment not received within 30 days of the payment due date will be assessed $10 for every 30 days of delinquency. Formal invoices for 2016 dues will be mailed out the week of March 30th.

Open Board Position –

There is currently one position open on the HOA Board. Serving on the HOA Board is a great way to know what is going on in the neighborhood and have a say in how the HOA’s money is spent. Generally, the HOA meets once a month and meetings usually only last about one hour.

Under the HOA’s rules and regulations, if this position is not filled, the HOA may go into Receivership. This means that an attorney will be appointed to run the day to day operations of the HOA. Currently the HOA is run by volunteers. If a Receiver is appointed, he or she will be paid for administering the HOA. It is a very real possibility that this will require an increase in the HOA’s annual dues.

If you are interested in volunteering for the HOA Board, please notify us via the link on the website.

Annual Meeting – December 3, 2015 @ 7:00pm

In accordance with the Association’s bylaws, a public meeting will take place on Thursday December 3, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the John Torok Community & Senior Center.  Sign in for the meeting will begin at 6:45 p.m.

We are required by the Association’s bylaws to have at least 25% of the Association membership either present at the meeting or by proxy to enact business and elect board members. To guarantee a quorum, we ask that each owner complete, sign, and date the enclosed proxy and return in the self-addressed stamped envelope. If you attend the meeting in person, your proxy will be returned to you at the meeting.

This year there are 3 positions open:  President, Secretary and At-Large. The term of office for each of these positions is 2 years. The Board will also provide an update on other general news at the meeting. Nominations and voting will take place at the meeting. The Board urges you to attend this meeting to nominate and elect Board members. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you will be represented through your proxy.

Under the HOA’s rules and regulations, if these positions are not filled, the HOA will go into Receivership. This means that an attorney will be appointed to run the HOA’s day-to-day operations. Currently, the HOA is run by volunteers. If a Receiver is appointed, he or she will be paid for administering the HOA. It is a very real possibility that this will require an increase in annual dues. It is therefore in everyone’s best interest to either attend the meeting in person or return the proxies before the meeting.

Please contact the Board with any questions or comments by emailing or by using the Contact HOA Board form at the top of this page.


Pay Your HOA Dues Online

Zelle payments accepted!

Useful Links
