Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

Amendment Voting Started

Three proposed amendments will be distributed to all residents this week for voting –

AMENDMENT A – As you know, the Association has been planning a significant mailbox project to make all of the mailboxes within our community consistent and architecturally harmonious. To confirm this authority and to clarify that mailboxes will be the Association’s responsibility in the future, we are proposing this amendment to our
community’s governing documents. The amendment gives the Board the authority to spend Association funds on mailboxes, as well as to set standards for mailbox size, materials, style, and location, again so that mailboxes are consistent throughout the community.

AMENDMENT B – The amendment prohibits owners of homes that are not currently leased and any future owners from leasing their homes. We propose this amendment again for a few reasons.

First, we believe that an amendment that requires future purchasers to be residents of the property is a good concept. Rather than a potential “apartment complex” atmosphere, we can maintain a community of all resident- owners . Problems with conduct normally associated with some tenants would be avoided. As you know, we have had rules on leasing in the past, and we continue to believe that owner-occupancy is in our best interests. This amendment confirms that desire, and makes it harder for a future owner or Board to weaken our restrictions on leasing.

Second, the proposed restriction has some flexibility and contains a few built-in exceptions to make it reasonable for everyone. These exceptions are: 1. The leasing restriction would not apply to current owners who are renting their homes. CURRENT RENTAL HOMES ARE GRANDFATHERED FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN THE HOME. 2. If you own a home but only your child(ren) or parent(s) lives in the home, that living arrangement is excluded from the rental restriction. 3. The amendment contains an automatic, one-time right for all owners to lease their home for up to 24 months.

Third, if an owner is behind in their fees and needs to rent the home to pay the fees, the amendment calls for the rent to be paid directly to the Association until the account is paid in full. The amendment also gives the Board the power to evict the tenant, if necessary.

AMENDMENT C – The Declaration is not clear on who, the Association or the owner, is to maintain and replace the trees on the “devil strip” or “tree lawn.” As you know, past and present practice at Spring Hill has always been that the individual owners maintain and replace their own landscaping, including trees, on the entire lot. Having the owner responsible for tree maintenance and replacement is sensible as the owner is in the best position to know when such work is needed. This also helps maintain the value of the owner’s home and enables the Association to keep maintenance fees at a reasonable level. If the Association were to be responsible for the maintenance and replacement of trees on the “devil strip” or “tree lawn,” the Association would obviously have to significantly increase fees to cover this additional responsibility.

Adoption of all or some of the proposed amendments require 66 percent affirmative vote from the 133 Lot Owners in Spring Hill – meaning 88 Lot Owners will need to vote in the affirmative.

The HOA Board is requesting that all voting be completed by November 30, 2020.

In order to provide a forum for resident discussion, and for the HOA Board to answer any questions, there will be a virtual resident meeting on Thursday, November 19, 2020. The information for how to join the meeting will be posted to the website that afternoon.

Dues & Assessments Collection Policy

The HOA Board has adopted an updated Collection Policy for Dues & Assessments per the recommendation of Kaman & Cusimano LLC, the law firm representing the HOA.

The updated policy can be view here and can also be found in the Documents Library located at the top of each page.

Virtual Resident Meeting – July 28th @ 7:00pm

The HOA Board will be holding a virtual resident meeting on July 28th, beginning at 7:00pm. For the meeting, we’ll use GoTo Meeting; the join information will be posted here in the afternoon on July 28th.

The agenda for the meeting will include the following topics –

  • Old Business
    • Mailbox Replacement – Proposed Amendment
    • Past Amendments – Pending Approval
      • Rental Restrictions
      • Tree Lawn Tree Responsibility
    • Street Light Upgrade Project
    • Restriction Enforcement
      • Architecture Review – Required for fences, pools, additions, etc.
      • Property Maintenance (Section 2.6) – garbage/recycling containers, unsightly growth, landscaping
      • Enforcement Assessments
  • New Business
    • Harmony Springs Construction (Arlington Rd.) – Jennifer Berlyoung, Pastor of Community Development
  • Treasurer Report
    • 2020 Dues Collection
    • 2020 Operating Budget
  • Resident Forum

If you would like anything specifically covered during the meeting, you can let the HOA Board know using the Contact link at the top of the page.


Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122

Access Code: 702-371-437

Spring 2020 Update

Street Lights – All street light upgrades have been completed, including some rework needed on lights that had to have their photo cells replaced to prevent them from staying on all the time. At this point, there is no additional planned street light work for the remainder of 2020; the HOA Board will determine if the poles will need to be repainted at some point in 2021.

Note: The use of the term Special Assessment to describe the costs associated with the street light project was used incorrectly. Per the law firm representing the HOA, these costs should have been conveyed to residents as a one time dues increase to cover needed maintenance on an existing asset. Thereby, they are not subject to a ballot and voting procedures as described in Section 9.4 of the Restrictions & Bylaws.

Mailboxes – Based on feedback from residents and the law firm representing the HOA, it has been determined that a proxy ballot will need to be issued and voting completed prior to this work starting. Per the Restrictions & Bylaws, we will require 2/3 of residents to approve the proposal before the mailbox replacement project can move forward.

Dues Collections – Thank you to all residents who have submitted their dues for 2020; it enabled the HOA Board to complete the street light project, start our landscaping/pond services and build a reserve for unforeseen expenses that could arise in the future. As a result of the dues collection and start of planned 2020 expenses, a new version of our 2020 budget has been prepared and adopted by the HOA Board. Residents can view the new version here.

Fountains – 2 of the 3 fountains in the retention pond along Boettler Road are not currently on and are being worked on by Water X Scapes. At this time, we do not have an ETA on when the repairs will be completed due to parts needing to be ordered.

Resident Meetings – The resident meeting scheduled for June 16th will be postponed or held virtually. More information on this will be provided to residents once a final decision is made.

Street Light & Mailbox Update

The street light upgrades have been completed on Kenway Blvd, Larabee Circle, Dalby Circle, Montford Circle and Somerby Circle. The next phase will complete the development with Springbury Drive, Brigantine Ave and Mornington Circle. There’s no timeline on the remaining work, but it should be completed before the end of April.

The mailbox replacement project will require a ballot/voting procedure from all residents. In order for this project to move forward, the HOA Board will require a vote of 2/3 of all residents (lot owners). An outline of the project and associated costs, along with a ballot/proxy voting form, will be distributed to all residents over the next several weeks. This project wasn’t planned to start until the spring/summer time frame, so if passed, it will continue along the original timeline.


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