Street Lights – All street light upgrades have been completed, including some rework needed on lights that had to have their photo cells replaced to prevent them from staying on all the time. At this point, there is no additional planned street light work for the remainder of 2020; the HOA Board will determine if the poles will need to be repainted at some point in 2021.
Note: The use of the term Special Assessment to describe the costs associated with the street light project was used incorrectly. Per the law firm representing the HOA, these costs should have been conveyed to residents as a one time dues increase to cover needed maintenance on an existing asset. Thereby, they are not subject to a ballot and voting procedures as described in Section 9.4 of the Restrictions & Bylaws.
Mailboxes – Based on feedback from residents and the law firm representing the HOA, it has been determined that a proxy ballot will need to be issued and voting completed prior to this work starting. Per the Restrictions & Bylaws, we will require 2/3 of residents to approve the proposal before the mailbox replacement project can move forward.
Dues Collections – Thank you to all residents who have submitted their dues for 2020; it enabled the HOA Board to complete the street light project, start our landscaping/pond services and build a reserve for unforeseen expenses that could arise in the future. As a result of the dues collection and start of planned 2020 expenses, a new version of our 2020 budget has been prepared and adopted by the HOA Board. Residents can view the new version here.
Fountains – 2 of the 3 fountains in the retention pond along Boettler Road are not currently on and are being worked on by Water X Scapes. At this time, we do not have an ETA on when the repairs will be completed due to parts needing to be ordered.
Resident Meetings – The resident meeting scheduled for June 16th will be postponed or held virtually. More information on this will be provided to residents once a final decision is made.