There are still several residents that have not completed the required landscaping to their property following construction. Per section 7.3 of the restrictions (all phases): “Landscaping shall be complete no later than one hundred eighty (180) days after completion of construction.” This restriction includes the full installation (front & back) of a lawn, as well as installation of planting beds around each house.
In addition to the lawn and landscaping, Section 7.1 (m) of the restrictions specifically states, “A minimum of two (2) trees, at least 1/2″ trunk diameter, per Lot, are required on non-wooded Lots, in addition to trees provided by Developer along streets. Proposed trees and locations must be shown on the site plan and must be in compliance with all City rules and regulations.”
Letters will be distributed to all residents that have not complied with the above restrictions. Upon receiving the letter, residents will have thirty (30) days to provide written notice to the Board with an expected timeline to have the work completed. If no response is received within thirty (30) days, an Enforcement Assessment in the amount of $75.00 will be levied against the property. The Enforcement Assessment will continue in the amount of $75.00 each month until the required work is completed and in compliance with the restrictions stated above.
All residents are encouraged to assist in enforcing these restrictions as a means to maintain appearance and value throughout Spring Hill. If you’re aware of a property that has not complied with these restrictions, please submit their address to the Board using the Contact HOA Board link above.
Spring Hill is a heavily restricted allotment. In order to avoid Enforcement Assessments, the complete set of restrictions for all phases can be accessed in the Documents section for your reference.