The HOA Board of Directors held its first public meeting of 2015 on July 9th. If you weren’t in attendance, here’s a summary of the issues/items discussed:
Board Attendees:
Scott Infante – President
Tim Piatt – Vice President
Deneen Wittlinger – Secretary
Mike Hart – Treasurer
Ran Varadarajan – Member At Large
Erika Finley – Attorney, Kaman & Cusimano, LLC
13 Total – Names Withheld
Update from Board’s Law Firm – Kaman & Cusimano
- Gave explanation of HOA and responsibilities
- Kaiman & Cusimano promotes communication over litigation
- Handout on responsibilities of Homeower and responsibilities of HOA
Issue/Item Summary –
If the Bylaws are outdated, should there be amendments and if so, could we post them on the Spring Hill HOA website?
- Erika Finley – DeHoff wrote the Bylaws, they cannot be changed until we have complete ownership of HOA
Property Damage by Drees Homes builders and sub-contractors –
- Drees Homes sub-contractors have been driving over resident’s lots with their trucks, damaging sewers and causing them to not function properly
- Drees Homes and Dan DeHoff came out and inspected lots – determined nothing was wrong
- Builders and sub-contractors continue to speed through neighborhood and damage property regularly – The HOA Board will request additional squad cars from Summit County Sheriff to patrol neighborhood during times when work is being done
Open Forum from Residents –
Cars parked on Kenway Blvd. at beginning of neighborhood are causing safety concerns with cars entering.
- HOA stated that is to be addressed by the City of Green
- Residents have approached the ones parking in the street and were told that they do that to control the speeding on Kenway
Should speed bumps be installed?
- HOA stated that is to be addressed by the City of Green
Whose responsibility is it to replace the trees on the devil strips in front of each property?
- HOA stated that is a homeowners responsibility
Whose responsibility is it to make a claim to Ohio Edison for the street lights?
- HOA stated that is a homeowners responsibility
- Residents also asked if more lights could be added? – HOA stated this is a DeHoff decision
It was brought up that there are blocked drains in the neighborhood, what can be done about this?
- HOA stated that Department of Environmental Services has been contacted and they will rectify the problem
There are 2 residents that have lots that are unfinished with no lawns or landscaping, what are the restrictions regarding lawn/landscaping installation following construction and/or move in?
- HOA Board has sent four (4) letters to residents that have not installed lawns or landscaping, two (2) have replied with dates and plans, two (2) will be receiving a second notice with penalty assessment per month until work is started (amount being determined by HOA Board & law firm)
Are there any plans for a community pool?
- HOA replied No
Will a traffic light be installed on the intersection of Boettler and Kenway?
- HOA will inquire with City of Green
Who is responsible for the sidewalk in front of empty lots?
- HOA replied the Incoming homeowner is responsible
What is the law pertaining to dogs?
- HOA remarked dogs must be on a leash or fenced in, electronic fence is not a legal form of restraint
Is fishing allowed on the pond?
- HOA replied no and signs will be looked into for posting around pond to deter people from fishing
- HOA currently working on beautifying the pond by adding an aerator/fountains