There’s a lot that’s been happening in the neighborhood, so we wanted to get some updates out to all residents. As always, if you have any further questions/concerns, please contact the Board through the link at the top of this page.
Dog Etiquette – We continue to get reports from residents throughout the neighborhood regarding unleashed dogs and owners not cleaning up after their dogs when walking. The restrictions, for all phases, are very clear regarding the required leashing of dogs and fencing (either physical or electronic) to ensure a safe environment for all residents is maintained. It is also the owner’s responsibility to make sure any waste left by their dog(s) when walking is cleaned up completely and disposed of properly. Anyone seeing unleashed/loose dogs in the neighborhood should contact Summit County Animal Control (link located to the right of this post).
Entrance Lighting – The lighting at the entrance of the development has been fixed by our electrician and Ohio Edison – finally. The Board will be arranging for the replacement of grass around the utility easements on the properties impacted by the digging that was required to complete the job. The timing on having all areas re-seeded is weather permitting, but should be completed over the next few weeks.
Property Damage from Drees Crews – The Board has been contacted by several residents on Springbury Drive regarding damage to their property being done by the subcontractors that Drees Homes uses for construction. Both Drees and DeHoff Development have been notified about the reports and neither has taken any accountability or committed to a remedy for the damage done. The Board will be taking this issue to our retained law firm for remediation options involving Drees, DeHoff Development, or both. If your property has also been damaged by Drees, during the construction of new homes, please let the Board know ASAP so that we can include your claim in the overall discussion and next steps.
Nextdoor – We’ve also been contacted by a few residents regarding emails they’ve received for a social site called Nextdoor. This site’s account was apparently created by a resident within Spring Hill and has nothing to do with the Board. We will not be monitoring this site for any resident issues, contributing to its content, etc. The only two electronic communication channels the Board will use for announcements, updates, etc. will be this site and our Facebook account.
Lawn/Landscaping Installation – As more new residents move into the neighborhood, it’s important to be aware of the restrictions pertaining to your particular lot/phase. One key area of these restrictions addresses the timely requirement to have a lawn/landscaping installed to maintain appearance and property value. The Board is very aware that Drees Homes does not communicate the restrictions or make prospective home buyers aware that Spring Hill is a restricted development and all residents will be required to follow the guidelines of those documents. Notices will be going out to new residents who have not started the process of installing their lawn/landscaping over the next 1-2 weeks, and those will require a written response to the Board with estimated timing to have the work completed.
Lastly, the Board will be scheduling two public resident meetings this year with the first being in the June/July time frame. All residents are encouraged to attend for an open discussion of current topics, issues, etc.