HOA Public Meeting – March 12, 2012 at 7:00pm
The HOA will once again hold quarterly public meeting, open to all residents of Spring Hill. 2012 meetings will take place at 7 PM at the Torok Community Center, 4224 Massillon Road (next to Green Central Fire Station #1, just south of the roundabout). Dates of meetings are: March 12th, June 11th, Sept. 10th and Dec. 10th (2013 Election Meeting).
2012 HOA Board of Directors –
The Spring Hill HOA welcomes Scott Infante to the board, effective Jan. 1, 2012. Scott has already contributed significantly to our neighborhood; last year, Scott constructed the HOA website. He will continue this responsibility among other initiatives & responsibilities on the board.
2012 HOA Board Members and roles include:
Toni Haneberg (President)
Mike Boyea (Vice President)
Brian Gallagher (Secretary)
Chris Corbit (Treasurer)
Scott Infante (At-Large)