Archive for April, 2011

Upcoming Events…

Neighborhood Yard Sale May 13-14

Spring Hill will host its annual yard sale May 13-14 (Friday and Saturday).  Hours will run from 9 AM to 3 PM.  Signs will be posted on Boettler Road.  Please contact one of your HOA board members if you have questions.

Community Spring Cleanup/Planting May 21

In an effort to get to know our neighbors, Spring Hill HOA will hold a spring cleanup and planting of the front entrance of the neighborhood on Saturday May 21.  We’ll begin around 8 am and work throughout the morning.  We welcome our neighbors to reach out and get involved with the planning and execution, which will include plant layout/design/selection, as well as edging/pruning and overall cleanup of the island area and overall entrance.

For more information or to volunteer to lend a hand, please contact Toni Haneberg at


Pay Your HOA Dues Online

Zelle payments accepted!

Useful Links
